Increasing insight & inspiring to excel
My Services
Leadership Development
I have designed, delivered and enabled a very wide range of impactful and beneficial management and leadership development events.
Whether it is topic specific masterclasses, inquiry workshops, networking events, conferences, action learning sets or executive planning sessions, I have delivered innovative and impactful interventions to first time managers up to executives and Members.
The route to becoming a highly engaging leader requires feedback from the people who know you best. Rarely do leaders receive high quality, detailed feedback on how engaging (or not) their behaviours are or the coaching, support and challenge to act on the feedback.
As a licenced partner of the Real World Group I am trained in delivering their Transformational Leadership Questionnaire (TLQ 360) to encourage the key leadership behaviours proven to engage employees.
Think of a leader who made a lasting impact on your career (either way!), leadership behaviours are powerful stuff.
Personal Coaching
Using a range of creative coaching techniques this will be your time to address issues that may be challenging you.
To find new insights, identify solutions and an action plan to move you forward in a completely confidential and productive environment.
Sessions to stretch your thinking, explore your beliefs, challenge possible assumptions, identify support and missed 'allies', encourage reflection and most importantly, encourage your growth.
I have coached people from every level in organisations, from front line employees up to Chief Executive, Director and Cabinet level Councillors, see my feedback for more information on my impact as a coach.
Organisational Development
I've often heard leaders talk of leveraging change and wondered 'what they really meant by it?' Watch my video for a little more of my thoughts on this!
Drawing on my 12 years experience in delivering award winning Organisational Development (OD) projects and programmes, I will be pleased to explore with you the key challenges facing your organisation, to identify ideas and solutions to enable you to excel, including:
Employee Engagement
Culture Change
Vision & Strategy
Management & Leadership
Feedback & Recognition
Values & Behaviours
Ethics & 'doing the right thing'
Inclusion, empowerment & involvement
Developing Coaching & Thinking Skills
Coaching skills are rightfully recognised as being critical to high performing organisations. Coaching behaviours are highly engaging, promote wellbeing, reduce stress, encourage co-operation and bring better results for 'the firm' and an improved working environment for its people.
This award winning coaching development offer has been written up in a CIPD Innovation report as making a real contribution to organisational performance. It will change your managers behaviours, encourage better quality thinking, improve personal responsibility, reduce blame and make a significant impact to your culture and results!
Used worldwide Go MAD Thinking has an award winning track record across all sectors and industries.
Organisational Culture
Organisational culture is a collective level of self belief, of 'how we do things around here' the mental models that can shackle people to doing the same things, over and over again whether it's impactful or not! In my experience culture should never be underestimated an inappropriate culture will kill creativity and suppress ideas from even being vocalised, it can be that powerful.
Using a range of creative and interactive techniques I can complete organisational wide cultural inquiry, to identify how your current culture supports your performance aspirations, or not. 'What does it really feel like to work here?'
Honestly recognising the elephant/s in the room can be one of the most powerful starts to any organisational transformational change - enabling huge potential for progression in any of the following key areas.
Management & Leadership behaviours - especially the range of differing behaviours experienced across the organisation, most larger organisations have differing experiences going on.
Feedback & recognition - how well do you do in this critical area, anyone getting too much feedback?!
Work life balance and wellbeing - are your people fit, well and really able to perform, do managers care?
Employees engagement generally - how motivated and committed are they to really deliver 'your cause'?
Your mission, the vision to enable that and the strategy to progress to it - are they really clear? Fully understood and how does your culture align to them (or not)?
Values - what values really drive your culture and behaviours and are they the ones you now need?